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Liby Group Donated 12.80 Million Yuan in Support of “Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day”
2019-07-02 14:05:35

In the forenoon of June 30, 2019 Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day and “Get rid of poverty to help rural revitalization” activity was grandly held in Pearl Island Hotel of the Provincial Party Committee. Before the activity, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and provincial governor Ma Xingrui, director of the Standing Committee of Provincial People's Congress Li Yumei and chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference Wang Rong met representatives of good-hearted enterprises and good-hearted people. Chairman of Kaisheng Holdings and vice president of Liby Group Chen Kaichen was invited to attend the activity.

In the symposium, Li Xi expressed thanks to good-hearted enterprises and good-hearted people for their positive contributions to poverty alleviation of Guangdong on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of Provincial People's Congress, the Provincial Government and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and fully affirmed social forces of Guangdong Province for participating in poverty alleviation development, actively engaging in “ends of thousands of enterprises help ends of thousands of villages”, Guangdong cuisine chefs project and other poverty alleviation actions and becoming a major force of poverty alleviation. He hoped enterprises and personages of all circles, under the guidance of chairman Xi Jingping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, further strongly support poverty alleviation of Guangdong, dedicate to the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, rural revitalization and poverty alleviation and realize enterprise development and personal growth while facilitating the construction of Greater Bay Area and motivating fellow countrymen to get rid of poverty and become better off. Guangdong will as always support enterprises and personages of all circles to participate in economic and social development and poverty alleviation, implement preferential policies, improve incentive measures and build a good environment for enterprise and talent development.

Member of the Standing Committee of CPC Provincial Committee Ye Zhenqin attended the subsequent donation activity and made a pep talk. In the activity, good-hearted enterprises and good-hearted people donated and results of 2018 Red Cotton Cup of Guangdong poverty alleviation were announced. Vice-chairman Chen Kaichen donated on behalf of Liby Group and received the golden award of Red Cotton Cup.

Vice-chairman Chen Kaichen (left) donated on behalf of the Group

Vice-chairman Chen Kaichen (the left third) received the golden award of Red Cotton Cup

After the activity, GZTV interviewed vice-chairman Chen Kaichen, saying that the development of Liby Group was benefited from reform and opening-up policies and a good social environment , and the Group will as always positively respond to the call of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, actively fulfill social responsibility, dedicate to charities, better repay the society, promote to carry on philanthropy spirit from generation to generation and contribute to overcoming poverty in 2020 and  building a moderately prosperous society of Guangdong and a happy Guangdong.

Vice-chairman Chen Kaichen was interviewed by GZTV

In the forenoon of the same day, the launch ceremony of 2019 Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day of Guangzhou City was held in the auditorium of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Before the launch ceremony, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Zhang Shuofu, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor Wen Guohui, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress Chen Jianhua and chairman of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference Liu Yuelun had a symposium with representatives of good-hearted enterprises and good-hearted people with chairman of Kaisheng Holdings and chairman of Liby Group Chen Kaixuan participating.

In the symposium, Zhang Shoufu expressed gratitude to good-hearted enterprises and good-hearted people on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, saying that poverty alleviation was a concrete action to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourse of poverty alleviation and resolutely win the poverty alleviation fight. He hoped that good-hearted enterprises, good-hearted people and all sectors of society take an active part in rural revitalization, people's livelihood assurance, industry development and other work of Guangzhou and better perform social responsibility. Relevant municipal departments should practically enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, offer a good business environment to various market entities, build a good atmosphere where everyone is good-hearted and involved in charity, arouse the enthusiasm of all sectors of society for poverty alleviation and create a co-built, co-governed and shared social governance pattern. 

Then, chairman Chen Kaixuan showed full confidence in further development of Guangzhou, deeply raking root Guangzhou, better repaying the society while promoting enterprise development and encouraging more social forces to engage in charities.

In the launch ceremony, deputy secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and mayor Wen Guohui and member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and minister of the Ministry of Organization Wang Shitong was present at the activity, deputy mayor Li Ming made a pep talk and secretary-general of the Municipal Government Chen Jie chaired the activity. Representatives of responsible person of relevant units of districts of districts and cities, good-hearted enterprises, good-hearted people and charitable families participated in relevant activities.

Liby Group donated a total of 12.80 million Yuan to “Poverty Alleviation Day” this year. Over the years, Liby Group has earnestly performed social responsibility of corporate citizenship, cared for people’s livelihood, assisted education, helped orphans and the poor, repaid the society with high sense of social responsibility and grateful heart, engaged in public welfare and philanthropy, cared for disadvantaged groups, serviced the society and undertook responsibility. Since 2010, Liby Group has strongly supported “Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day” for consecutive ten years and made charitable donation of more than 200 million Yuan. In future, Liby Group take advantage of “Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day” to passionately respond to the call of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, continuously carry forward the spirit of great love, actively repay the society and make greater contributions to charities.

(Chen Lin from Kaisheng Office)

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