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Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology Were Included in the List of “National Key Enterprises of Epidemic Prevention and Control”
2020-03-06 16:19:35

A few days ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of “Key Enterprises (the First Batch) of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control”, including Liby Group subordinate to Triumph Holdings and Cheerwin Biotechnology subordinate to CHEERWIN Group. It not only greatly encouraged the effort and positive action made by Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology to fight the epidemic since the beginning of this year, but also effectively supported and promoted subsequent production of enterprises.


It is known that the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, according to the deployment requirements of the work leading group of the Central Government and the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the need for epidemic prevention and control materials allocation, studied and determined the list of national key enterprises of epidemic prevention and control, which was strictly examined by provincial-level development and reform commissions and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and selected after rounds from many lists of key enterprises of epidemic prevention and control.    




Guangdong Cheerwin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

84 disinfectant, disinfectant, sterilizing agent, sterilizing package, toilet cleaner, sterilizing effervescent tablets, de-mold sterilizing spray, plant sterilizing spray, deodorizing sterilizing spray (pet), hand sanitizer, floor detergent, air conditioner detergent, Xilan mask, toilet water, toilet soap, gloves, insect aerosol, cockroach gel, anti-acne package, mosquito-repellent incense, liquid vaporizer, electric mat, mosquito screen, mosquito repellent, anti-acne spray and mosquito-repellent wet tissue, and so on                


Guangdong Industry and Information Technology Department




Guangzhou Liby Group Co., Ltd.

84 disinfectant, disinfectant, sterilizing washing powder, cleanser essence, laundry detergent, laundry soap, liquid spot cleaner, hand sanitizer and toilet cleaner, and so on


Guangdong Industry and Information Technology Department



Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology Were Included in the List of “National Key Enterprises of Epidemic Prevention and Control”


After the outbreak, Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology, as leading enterprises of the daily chemical industry, actively fulfilled social responsibilities, made a rapid response, acted responsibly, carried forward the spirit of great love, actively gave full play to their power and donated disinfection products valued 200 million Yuan to help fight the epidemic, gave a hand to all fixed-point hospitals around the country, offered safety and guarantee to front-line medical workers and protected life safety and health of the masses, which fully reflected the original intention of persistence and responsibility of Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology and the determination to fight the epidemic together with the state and the government, the whole nation and all medical workers to defeat the white war together.


Liby Group and Cheerwin Group are taking actions!

Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology displayed responsibility and of national enterprise by action and initiated distribution logistics channels and warehousing systems nationwide and the sales team of all provinces distributed materials to all COVID-19 fixed-fixed hospitals around the country, which greatly solved the crying need of hospitals and medical workers for materials, guaranteed the need of front-line medical workers for products and stabilized regular market supply. 


Disinfection materials have been delivered to most COVID-19 fixed-fixed hospitals!

In future, Liby Group and Cheerwin Biotechnology will continue fulfilling social responsibilities, carrying forward the spirit of great love, proceeding with the confidence of victory, gathering spiritual strength, ensuring safety of prevention and control, employees’ life safety and health and enterprises’ safety production, stable operation and work resumption, making persistent efforts, fighting valiantly and winning the war of epidemic prevention and control together with the state and the government with firmer confidence, stronger will and more decisive action.  



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