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Chen Kaixuan, President of Liby Group, Said: “Wastewater Treated by Liby Sewage Treatment Station Can Raise Goldfish”
2017-10-26 16:28:33

  “As an old Chinese saying goes: ‘Frustrated, one pays attention to their own moral uplift without thought of others. In success, one tries to let others be benefited.’ The larger an enterprise is, the bigger ability is and the bigger responsibility is. Employee happiness and enterprise development are closely related to social responsibility. I have highlighted positive thinking, behaving ourselves and making family, enterprise and country better!” Chen Kaixuan, President of Liby Group, often says that “responsibility” is the core of corporate culture. It is that just because of excellent corporate culture that a national enterprise valued ten billion Yuan is built.

  For more than two decades, Liby has grown with “responsibility”, pursuing happiness for employees, seeking development for partners, providing consumers with safer, healthier and more environment-friendly products and making bigger contributions to the society. “Responsibility” has deeply integrated into blood vessels of Liby. Liby has been devoting to assisting the impoverished students, caring for left-behind children and vulnerable groups and taking an active part in earthquake relief work and has undertaken responsibility by practical action.

“Responsibility” builds a nation

Leading daily chemical enterprise

  Liby has already been established for 23 years until now. From nobody to a leading daily chemical enterprise, Chen Kaixuan thinks It is that just because of excellent corporate culture that a national enterprise valued ten billion Yuan is built

  “Responsibility” is the core of corporate culture. Chen Kaixuan recalled: “For more than two decades, we have encountered many problems, difficulties and challenges, but we have never been passive and pessimistic or made excuses. Instead, we find solutions, change challenges into opportunities, grow bigger and stronger and become a pioneer of the cleaning product industry.”

  “Whether an enterprise is successful or not depends on not only income scale but whether it has a sense of social responsibility.” Chen Kaixuan said, employees have a “small family”, their own family, a “big family”, enterprise, and a “country”. It seems as if the three are different, but they are a community of shared interests with common goals and dreams. Only when “small family” is happy, “big family” develops and “country” grows stronger. “We should strive for happiness of ‘small family’, promote continuous development of ‘big family’ so as to shoulder social responsibility, serve the country on the basis of industry, repay the society and make greater contributions to human and the society.”

Practice what one preaches and engage in public welfare undertakings


  Chen Kaixuan introduced that Liby performs social responsibilities in many aspects, “we are responsible for not only interested parties such as employee, dealer, supplier and consumer, but also social harmony and environment.”

 First, a major responsibility of entrepreneurs is to run a business and pay taxes according to law and create wealth. Presently, sales of detergents rank first nationwide and fourth worldwide and Liby Group pays taxes of more than 1.5 billion Yuan every year, ranking among “Top 100 Taxpayers of Chinese Private Enterprises” in successive years.

 Then, Liby Group has offered 150000 job opportunities and strived for happiness of 150000 households.

  With respect to public welfare, during its developing, through actively performing social responsibilities of a corporate citizen, Liby has been caring for people's livelihood, supporting education, giving financial help to orphans and poor people and contributing to the society with a strong sense of social responsibility and a grateful heart, making earnest efforts to promote public good, concerning about vulnerable groups, serving the society and undertaking the due obligations. The group has made charitable donations valued more than 200 million CNY.

 In the aspect of assisting the impoverished students, Liby made efforts to care for healthy growth of children in remote areas in these years. To support education of children in remote areas, Liby has carried out activities to assist the impoverished students in 14 prefecture-level cities of Guangxi for years. Liby invested more than 40 million Yuan in building Guangdong Puning Chen Baowen School which can take 5000 students and satisfy the need for primary and middle schools. Except for introducing excellent teachers and teaching facilities, Liby invests several million Yuan in scholarships & grants and teacher’s education awards every year so as to improve teaching level. Moreover, Liby built loving care libraries for schools in remote areas together with Guangdong Education Foundation. In June, Liby Group donated 11 million Yuan for targeted poverty alleviation projects, which will be used for construction of poverty-stricken areas.

 Liby is also one of private enterprises with the best party organization of non-public enterprise in China. Through party building, Liby actively participates in snow and ice disaster relief in southern area and organizes militia to take responsibility for security of the Asian Games, so as to make contributions to harmony and stable development of the society.

ntegrate green environmental protection concept into blood vessels of enterprise

  Liby Group has always considered the strategic problem how to clean and beautify people’s life without imposing added burden to the environment. Liby has been adhering to green and environmental protection and energy efficiency from R&D of product formula, selection of raw material and packing material and manufacture.

  “When the first production base was built in 1997 in Panyu, we advocated that enterprise development must not be at the cost of environment.” Chen Kaixuan said. The production base has always persisted in effective control of “three wastes” emission, carried out cleaner production, environmental production, efficient production and recycling production and built environment-friendly factories featuring clean and tidy, tree-lined, dust-free, noiseless and recyclable water resources.
  “Wastewater from our factories can raise goldfish.” Chen Kaixuan said proudly, “our sewage treatment standard is much higher than national standard, so waster is recyclable. Wastewater can raise goldfish, which grow bigger, healthy and lively. It proves wastewater from our factories as clean, since goldfish can live long in it.”

  From the point of product, Liby intensifies technical R&D and produces green and healthy products through patented technology development and new material application. For instance, washing powder with no irritation to hands changes traditional process and is greener and more environment-friendly. Besides, Liby first launches water-saving detergents. The laundry detergent just needs to be rinsed once and saves 50% of water.

  Liby also explores and develops renewable raw materials. Above 70% of raw materials of existing Liby detergents are renewable resources and the biological degradability of all raw materials is greater than 90%.

 Chen Kaixuan said that Liby Group will continue to promote the development of Chinese daily chemical industry through R&D and innovation and create shared value for the society. Liby increases annual input in technical R&D and research, actively carries out efficient production, recycling production, safety production and cleaner production and pursues pollution-free production, quality assurance and cyclic utilization of energy and water resources.

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