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Liby Group Released “1+2” Strategy and Built Green Ecology + New Model
2019-10-21 16:01:05

A “green intelligent manufacturing” trend growing from a “green seed”

  Lately, Liby, a leading brand of the Chinese cleaning and care industry, together with many international experts launched a brand new product-Liby laundry essence in London of England, which indicated a new step of Liby Group in the journey of brand globalization and an achievement of “green consumption ecology+” strategy transformation of it.

At the critical node of the 25th anniversary, the proposal of “green consumption ecology+” strategy symbolized a brand new development stage of Liby Group, in which “1+2” platform deployment representing future core competitiveness of Liby Group was a layout of “green consumption ecology+”. Led by a brand matrix and backed by supply chain platform and channel platform, Liby Group will grow into a shared service provider of omni-channel all-contact digital accurate marketing and a purchasing-supply whole chain shared service provider with the daily chemical industry as the core and build a consumer-oriented “green consumption ecology+” era through deployment of “new platform”, “new marketing”, “new R&D” and “new brand”.

From “Liby without irritation to hands” to “give you a green and healthy home”, from “green health strategy” to “green consumption ecology+”, a green seed sown by Liby people during the start-up period grew into a new trend of “green manufacturing” after 25 years.


Liby Group released “1+2” strategy

In “Liby Group strategy upgrading and 25th anniversary celebration” held on November 30, 2018, Liby Group first released “green consumption ecology+” strategy and built a consumer-oriented “green consumption ecology+” era through deployment of “new platform”, “new marketing”, “new R&D” and “new brand”. The proposal of “green consumption ecology+” strategy was an important part of the 25th anniversary and symbolized a brand new development stage of Liby Group, in which “1+2” platform deployment representing future core competitiveness of Liby Group was eye-catching. President of Liby Group Chen Zebin said, “1+2” platform was a layout of “green consumption ecology+”, of which “1” meant to develop from a single brand to multiple brands and persist in brand globalization; “+” meant to incubate more segmented products through the brand incubation center and “2” meant to open two superior resources of Liby Group, including industry platform resources and channel platform resources, opening the industry chain of Liby Group with an open and win-win attitude, cooperating with more brands and building a research-industry-manufacturing-marketing business model of service firm.

Insiders pointed out, “green consumption ecology+” was not only a strategy upgrading measure of Liby Group but also a measure to lead green development of the industry. Meanwhile, it meant to build a consumer-oriented green, healthy and sustained ecosphere of the daily chemical industry by a brand new ecological system.

“Green consumption ecology+” strategy was another milestone in the green development road of Liby Group after “green health strategy”. In 2016, Liby Group released the industry’s first “green health strategy” in the hope of promoting the Chinese daily chemical industry to realize green material, green formula, green technology, green manufacturing and green product through the leading role in order to usher in green consumption and bring a green and healthy family to consumers.

These development strategies were originated from a green seed sown 25 years ago. Chairman of Liby Group Chen Kaixuan started a business in 1994 and he found an extremely OEM environment while paying a visit: The workshop was filled with dust, big noise and pungent were produced……My black shoes and black hair turned white after I went around in the workshop. Until 1998 when Liby Group started to build the first production base in Panyu of Guangzhou, Chen Kaixuan requested the project designer Beijing Light Industry Designing Institute to build “a green factory”, which symbolized a sharp increase in construction cost and maintenance cost. Through concerted efforts, Liby Group finally built an environment-friendly factory featured by effective control over “three wastes” emission, automatic control over waste heat recovery and cyclic utilization of water in 1999.

“People may consider it a story about building an environment-friendly factory. Nevertheless, it was planted in my heart just like a ‘green seed’. All development strategies of Liby Group are related to this green seed.” Chairman of Liby Group Chen Kaixuan said.


Built a green and efficient whole industry chain platform

The development history of Liby Group can be divided into four stages. The first stage was “small cleaning” stage from 1994 to 1997. From starting a business in 1994 in Guangzhou to engaging in outsourcing, it tool only 3 years to generate a sale of washing powder leading the industry in Guangdong. The second stage was “big cleaning” stage from 1994 to 2004. Main products such as washing powder, cleanser essence and laundry soap were well-received among consumers and Liby Group topped three of the industry in 2003. The third stage was “big daily chemical” stage from 2004 to 2015, during which Liby Group developed the industry chain big daily chemicals through acquired century-old brand Lantian Liubizhi. In 2016, Liby Group opened up the new journey of “massive health” and formally set up the development direction of green health strategy in “Liby green health strategy launch” in the Water Cube. In 2017, Liby Group has achieved annual sales of 20 billion Yuan with the sales of detergent ranking national first and the world’s fourth. Statistical data showed that Liby generated a sale that leads the industry in the country for 10 consecutive years from 2009 to 2018 and it is used in seven out of ten households in China.

High sales and household usage rate showed a close tie between Liby Group and consumers. The core of “green consumption ecology +” strategy is to return to consumers and arrange product, brand, channel and industry chain from consumer need. Based on the realization path of brand new strategy, Liby Group will launch a variety of new products, including green concentration + product upgrade, and so on, according to different consumer needs and drive enterprise upgrading by product and marketing innovation.

Insiders pointed out, “green consumption ecology+” strategy represented a new development stage of Liby Group. Meanwhile, it meant to provide different consumers with green consumption products satisfying different needs and build a “1+2” whole industry chain platform centered on digital marketing 3.0 system.

Marketing 3.0 system was also a keyword mentioned by Chen Zebin. It is learnt that the marketing 3.0 system was closely connected to the headquarters, provinces and dealers, transformed the pattern that decision were made based on experience and implemented whole-chain all-dimensional digital analysis and decision model by virtue of new channel, new marketing and new business model. Another keyword of marketing 3.0 system was consumer data and insight. Liby Group will have an insight into purchasing scenario, interest and hobby, service cycle and media habit through consumer big data of two channel platforms, including all channels subordinate to systems of Liby Group and form an omni-channel closed loop from user need to sale. Meanwhile, channel strategies closely related to purchasing scenario such as e-commerce, community and convenience system set a new example for the development of the daily chemical industry.


Provided consumers with all-around services

Generating a sale leading the industry and wining a public praise among consumers, Liby Group summarized experience: Promote green development using green technology. It is learnt that Liby Group invested more than 4% of sales volume in R&D, far ahead in the global daily chemical industry. It is visible that from washing powder without irritation to hands to Liby liquid soap containing soap base, edible cleanser essence and Liby laundry essence, “green health” has been a criterion for product R&D of Liby Group, which reflected not only the response to consumer needs but also Liby Group’s value and responsibility for environmental protection as a leading enterprise of the daily chemical industry.

In the critical development period, Chen Kaixuan pointed out the necessity of heart-to-heart link with consumers and that Liby Group will strive for a consumer-oriented win-win new pattern with “green consumption ecology+” strategy as the sign of dominant strategy upgrading and strategy core and origin as the consumer mind.

As an important part launched by “green consumption ecology+” strategy of Liby Group, leading new brand strategy and new product blueprint of the daily chemical industry was also a focus of new strategy. The core of brand deployment under the brand new strategy system was to comprehensively link to consumer’s scenes of life and brand force based on consumer insight. Brand layout of Liby Group will satisfy consumer needs for hand, machine, intelligence and social contact and truely realize the mission of bring health and happiness to every family with consumer scenario as the center, based on multibrand and multi-variety matrix, all cleaning needs and venues in ‘home’ and through various product forms.

In the long run, product is the key to grasp consumer’s “heart”. Consumers benefit from product and a good reputation is formed. Under the guidance of the brand new strategy, chief scientist of Liby Group Zhang Liping interpreted “new R&D”, “Through consumption upgrading, consumers have an increasingly deep understanding of science and technology and an increasingly high pursuit towards green and health. Sustainable development of Liby Group relies on continuous enhancement of consumer service and the Group designs products using green sustained material, technology, production process and formula and cares for consumers from product concept to practical application and influence on human body and the environment. Liby Group has patents for invention beyond the total of those obtained by top 2-5 peers in China and reserves of core technologies are accelerating transformation to innovative products in order to satisfy consumer need for continuous upgrading.” It is learnt that the R&D center of Liby Group was awarded “China Light Industry Detergent Engineering Technical Research Center” and it was the unique “China green cleaning products key laboratory” of the industry.

With respect to brand and R&D, Chen Zebin said what Liby Group should do was more than persisting in brand building but building a chain between enterprise and consumer, prospectively seeing through consumer’s explicit and implicit needs and building brands from consumer need.


Originated from Nanfang Daily

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