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Xu Xiaodong: Had an Insight into Consumer Needs, Offered Quality Products and Services
2020-06-11 10:22:31

Originated from xinhuanet

On June 10, the “Classic case conference on Give likes to ‘2020 My Favorite Chinese Brands’ and ‘Global epidemic fighting, brand power’ organized by China National Brand, Xinhuanet and Xinhua99 and co-organized by Toutiao was held in Beijing. Secretary of the Party Committee and vice president of Liby Group Xu Xiaodong shared experience in brand building and epidemic fighting in an interview.

Interview record

Question: What are the advantages of Liby Group in brand building?

Xu Xiaodong: Different brands have different development stages and courses. Liby always focuses on consumer need in brand building and launches quality products and services. With Liby detergent gel as an example, we fully investigated consumer needs, launched various specifications according to consumer needs and designed different styles and facial attractiveness according to young consumer needs to win their favor.

Liby attaches great importance to interact and communicate with consumers. From title sponsorship of variety shows and interaction and tradition of we-media, we made a lot of explorations and great achievements.

Question: As an industry leader, Liby Group made a quick response to COVID-19 and delivered a good report. Could you share your experience briefly?

Xu Xiaodong: When the country and the society need us, enterprises should shoulder social responsibility. Jut as what chair of Liby Group Chen Kaixuan said, facing the expected epidemic, Liby people must stand out shouldering the responsibility and doing something.

Question: Brand building is aimed at better marketing products and services; while successful marketing of products and services will further enhance brand influence in order to form a virtuous relationship. In your opinion, how should Chinese enterprises deal with this relationship, namely how to further strengthen the awareness of brand marketing and measures? How does Liby do?

Xu Xiaodong: Product and service are the soul of brand development and the foundation for building an “evergreen” enterprise. Thus, the purpose is to provide consumers with quality products an d services according to their needs.

From the point of product, Liby has always devoted to launching a series of green and healthy products to satisfy increasing consumer needs. as an industry leader, we are obliged to guide transformation and upgrade towards green material, green formula and green manufacturing and bring a green life to consumers to lead industry development.

From the point of service, Liby has tried a lot. For example, three agents policy was introduced that enterprises helped dealers and stores promote services and serve consumers. Moreover, Liby actively promote upgrading dealers to brand service providers in order to adapt to changing needs in the data era and facilitate dealers to better help and serve consumers.

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